This study investigates the impact of monetary policy on Banking sector performance in Nigeria. This is to ascertain the factors that influence the banking sector performance using bank’s deposit liabilities as proxy for bank performance. The study period covers 36 years from 1970 to 2006, using selected indicator and employing the OLS regression technique. We tested the null hypothesis of no significant relationship between bank deposit liabilities and chosen indices of banking performance, namely Exchange Rate (EXR), Deposit Rate (DR) and Minimum Discount Rate (MDR). Results showed that overall; monetary policy has a significant effect on the banks deposit liabilities. Main while, on individual basis, we discovered that Deposit Rate (DR) and Minimum Discount Rate (MDR) had a negative influence on the banks deposit liabilities in Nigeria, whereas Exchange Rate (EXR) had a positive and significant influence on the banks deposit liabilities in Nigeria. We conclude therefore that monetary policy plays a vital role in determining the volume of bank’s deposit liabilities in Nigeria. We recommended that government and its monetary authorities should strive to create a conducive environment for banking sectors to grow in the country by packaging appropriate monetary policies that would guarantee and enhance growth and development of the banking sectors in Nigeria.
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